
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2020

A summary of this experience!

Unfortunately, this amazing experience is ending, and I’m so sad, but at the same time I’m proud of me and the people is around me. This experience has been full of good and bad moments, adventures and failures; but specially of good friends. In Finland I’ve met amazing people that I’m sure they will be with me all my life. I’ve learnt so much from them, and thanks of them, nowadays I have skills that I didn’t have some months ago. Now, I know how to front face to some difficult situations, as living alone or to be in different environments every day. I’ve got the feeling that during these months I’ve grew up, and I’m a different person now. Thank of Finland and the people that lived with me this amazing experience I’m the person who I’ve always dreamt to be, and I’m proud of it. Good bye Finland, see you soon. Kiitos!

Spanish Social and Health Care System

In my last entry, I shared with you some information about Finnish Social and Health Care System. Maybe this is not as useful as the information about Finnish system, but now I want to share with you some information about the way of working of these systems in Spain. Maybe someone knows people living in Spain and need it! Social welfare and health care system Spain understands “health” by the same ecological and holistic perspective given by WHO, as Finland, so its main goal is to change and improve environmental conditions for people in risk of get diseases or have an unhealthy routine, to improve their life. The Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare is the responsible of Spain for proposing and executing the Government policy on health, planning and health care, consumption, cohesion and social inclusion, family, child protection and care for dependent or disabled people. It is the responsible also for exercising the powers of the General State Administratio...

Social Wellbeing and Health Care System in Finland

During my stay here I’m learning so many things. I have a subject where we study and learn about the health care system in Finland, and I want to share with you some basic information about it. I think it can be useful to know the way of working of social and health systems here! Social welfare and health care system Social welfare and health care system in Finland is basically based on municipal social welfare and health care services implemented with government support. Finland understands “health” as the definition of WHO, as an state that permits people to lead a socially, individually and economically productive life; so it is something more than not to have a disease, it is a resource which permit people have a normal daily life, and it includes physical habilities and social and personal resources. According to this ecological health perspective, the health of a person depends of its own (his behaviour, genetic…) and of the environment that surrounds him (good heal...

Safety and Security Walk

“Safety and Security Walk” is a method of investigating different environments before think a plan to improve them. Nowadays, “safety” and “security” are considered two of the main human rights that must be assured. But, do we really know their meaning and the things they include? Safety is defined as the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk or injury. Further, security is defined as the state of being free from danger or threat. The governments have the obligation of assurance the security and the safety of their citizens, but some of them don´t have these rights. For these reasons, there are measures performed by associations and volunteers that want to improve the life of disadvantaged groups and suburbs. The “Safety and Security Walks” are structured methods that involve people in the local community in investigating both the physical and social environments. According to the main goals of the community work, it is based on change the en...