Multaa ja Mukuloita

During my stay in Finland, I had the opportunity to participate in many projects thanks of Turku University of Applied Sciences. One of them was a project offered by “Multaa ja Mujuloita”, an association that organizes activities for children, to teach them sciences and social skills in a nature environment. This association is located in an area with small cottages, where children play, do activities, learn how to do gardening and take care of the nature.

I had the pleasure to organize a new project to this association, and it had the main goal to connect children with elderly people. Me and other three Finnish girls made a schedule full of activities where elderly people and children can learn from each other. I think it was so beautiful!

In my opinion, these type of associations are so useful in the society of nowadays. Children are always playing with computers and videogames, and they need to have strong networks and learn from the nature! I think that this experience was so interesting, and now I know more tools to work skills, and I can use them to think new activities to the children of my Scouts Group in Spain. I’m learning a lot!  


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