Fit in with a new culture: theories about cultural awaraness
Fit in with a new culture is not easy, and we usually don't know why we do something in a wrong way or why people don't understand our way of thinking or working. For that reason, to understand it and to improve our skills in a new country, I'm gonna analyze Spanish and Finnish cultures using three theories about cultural awaraness. Now maybe everything is easier!
The model of Lewis is nowadays one of the most useful,
especially to clasificate people in different tasks, jobs and localitations
depend of their traits profile. This model says that there are three dimensions
that englobe different attitude profiles, and each one shows the mean culture
behaviour in different countries and world areas. So, this model divides
culture behaviour in three areas:
-Linear-Active: people with this behavior are task-oriented,
highly-organized planners, complete action chains by doing on thing at time and
plan everything step by step. They are needed to organise, see problems,
analyse consequences and plan how to get the group goals. It is the typical
culture behaviour of North America, Britain, New Zeland, Australia and Northern
-Multi-active: people with that behavior are emotional,
loquacious and impulsive, they attach so much importance to family, feelings
and people in general. They like to do many things at the same time and they
are needed to generate enthusiasm, motivate, persuade and create a positive
social atmosphere. It is a typical profile of people from Southern Europe,
Mediterranean countries, South America, sub-Saharan Africa, Arab and other
cultures in the Middle East and India.
-Reactive: these people are good listeners and rarely
initiate a discusion, they prefer to listen. They are very polite and don´t
interrupt although their thoughts are different. They are needed to harmonise,
see the big picture and think carefully where there is a problem in the group.
This profile is typical of Asia except India.
So, Lewis says that everyone has a profile that fits in one
of these dimensions, and at the same time, this dimensions shows the behaviour
of different places. So, a person fits in a different country by his behaviour
profile. This is very useful for companies to do castings to search the best
person to do a task, and it is so useful also to understand why some countries
need a especial profile to do something. We actue and work following culture
habits and behavoiurs, and without knowing it, we only accept people that works
in the same way and following the same values than us.
Spanish and Finnish Behavior
If we look The Lewis Model we can analyse the behavior and
way of working of my home country (Spain) and my residence country (Finland).
This analysis is so important to make my work efficient, because if I don’t
aproach my way of working to their point of view about work, my contribution is
not useful.
If we look at the graphic we see that Spain is near
Multi-Active area. It means that in general, Spanish people are talkative,
emotional and we like to do a lot of things at the same time. It’s a bit
problematic when we want to work in a system like Finnish system, because they
are Lineal-Active, so they are task-oriented, like to plan and organise
everything step by step and analyse everything.
It is true, I indentify myself with that profile, I’m so
emotional and I like to do a loto f things at the same time. On the other
hand, I’ve lived here for one month and
I saw this way of working: finnish people concentrate more than me and wark harder
because they focus their goals in their projects, so they are more efficients
when they work. So, to adapt myself to this organized way of working, I must be
less impulsive, think more and leave emocional thoughts when I’m working. Here,
people is more effective thatn emotional! Maybe, if I change this traits, I would be more
effective in Finnish system.
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