Curiosities and tips
When you
arrive in Finland you think that everything is perfect and beautiful. We idealize
so much the new places we go. And it is truth, it is an amazing place to stay,
but there are some things that are so different if you compare it with Spain.
Some of them are better, but others I think that I prefer the way we do it in my
country. Read these curiosities if you will stay here! Maybe can help you.
-Free water:
one of the things that was more surprising for me was that in bar, cafés and
restaurants, there is free water! You can spend your time in this place and
drink water for free when you want, I think it is amazing!
-Bus stop:
about buses I want to say two things, but be careful with both! If you are
waiting for a bus, be concentrate because you must do a signal to the bus
driver! If you don’t do it, he won’t stop. And another annoying thing for me is
that Finnish people don’t respect bus queue! In Spain, when you wait for a bus
in a bus stop and it arrives, everybody let to enter first the person who
arrives first, but here everybody want to enter soon! So, relax and wait
everybody enter, is the best option.
lights: in Finland, most of the traffic lights must be activate with a button in
the start point of a crosswalk. They stay in green not so much time so be
quickly! But one of the best things of Finnish people is that they are so
patient, so if we are slow they won’t say you anything. And at night, they turn
off the traffic lights! I think it is so interesting, Finnish people Is so
disciplined! I don’t know what would happen if the traffic lights were turned
off at night in Spain…
it is one of the things that make Finland a special place, but be careful! Cars
and bikes maybe don’t see you, so use always a reflecting accessories in your
bag or your jacket, it can save your life!
there are bikes everywhere! Be so careful if you are walking around the
street because a lot of people use the bike, so look at your sides before turn right or left in a street. And one thing that surprise me is that almost
anybody lock their bikes! In Spain it isn’t possible.
Finland is one of the most secure countries in the world, and it is shown in
habits like children go alone to school, and playgrounds and houses don’t have
fences! I think that so many countries must learn about Finland in this area.
-Coins: In
Finland, coins of 1,2 and 5 coins, don’t exist! So, they increase the price
until get a number finished in 0. They are so intelligent!
-Cans: they
have an amazing method to recycle cans, and it’s that in supermarkets, they
give you money if you recycle them! At least they give you 0,15 cents, so don’t
through it! If you don’t want to give then to the supermarket, there are people
in the street that want to collect them. Leave them on a rubbish bin or a
visible place.
-Shoes and
jackets: Finnish people have the habit of leave jackets and shoes in the
entrance when they arrive to a house or their job. In schools, centres and
houses people don’t wear shoes! I think it is amazing because in that way, the
floor is clean. I do it at home and I think everybody must do it in Spain too. And about jackets, people leave them in places like University. Don’t worry,
they won’t stole you anything, they are so polite, leave your jacket!
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